In this episode, the girls talk about rehashed shows & movies. In the second half of the show, the girls talk about fiber arts and costumes for Halloween. AND, we're sponsoring a contest for the holidays! Come, get your geek on, and win!
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Looking for Podzine Articles
We’re looking for submissions for the next quarter, and the deadline is October 31, 2012. So, if you would like to write an article about anything geeky and/or crafty, drop us a line at ggcpodcast AT gmail.comContest
The prize -- the book we reviewed -- Knits for Nerds by Joan of Dark, aka Toni Carr. If you’re a geek who doesn’t craft, but wants to learn, or wants to give this to someone so they CAN learn -- Submit a short article -- about 300 words or more (3 paragraphs ) -- of why you want to learn how to knit or why you think this would be an awesome gift for your friend.The most compelling short essay (as decided by the 3 of us) wins the book!
Deadline: By American Thanksgiving Holiday Nov 22nd.
Knits for Nerds: 30 Projects: Science Fiction, Comic Books, Fantasy
RETAIL: $16.99 US/ $19.99 CA
Operation Fork:
November 16:
Calendar of Hope
The 2013 Calendar of Hope is in 5th year of publication and has raised over $5000 for Breast Cancer. The calendar contains 14 never-before-published knitting patterns. You can download one of the patterns for FREE at to judge for yourself the quality of the calendar. All proceeds of the sale of these calendars (except of PayPal fees) go to whose goals areGet Geeky
Moment of Squee
- Jade - Red Dwarf returning to the BBC --
- España - Beluga Whale mimicing Human Speech
- Sandy: Collective Soul cat:
Topic of the Day: Rehashed shows.
The girls talk about old shows being revamped for different generations...and sometimes multiple times in a given generation. Some of those shows include:
Get Crafty
Fiber Optics
- Jade:
- till working on the Adam’s Rib Hoodie, which is an easily memorized pattern.
- Started some “purse” projects -- stuff I can carry around that’s small. In this case, I started working on my neice & nephew’s fingerless gloves for the holidays -- it’s what they asked for earlier this year
- She was attacked by MOTHRA!!
- Sandy--
- Socks with a welt pattern with short-row heels. Lion Magic Stripes, easy peasy.;
- Using Socks A La Carte for inspiration. (ISBN-13: 978-1600611858, by the SWTC Design Team)
- Nov. NaKniSweMo! I’ve got a hibernated hoodie that will be perfect: Apres Surf Hoodie
- Messed up a hat! Loved everything about it until it stretched horribly (yarn’s fault). Dublin Cap
She's at the end of 2nd trimester of SpinU, and it’s still been pretty amazing. There's a lot of technical spinning including thick & thin yarn.
All Hallow’s Eve
It’s almost Halloween. What are YOU going to be wearing? Show us photos of what you're wearing for Halloween!One awesome idea -- baby carrier -- the frontloader mech from Aliens: